Ends on

We publish editions biannually in the spring/summer and fall/winter (in print at Hypertext Review and online at HypertextMag.com) and pay $40 total to each contributor. If you'd like to learn why we charge a $5.00 submission fee, please read our Substack post on the subject.
General Essay Submissions:  We're looking for innovative, imaginative, and well-crafted essays in all genres and style. We generally publish essays under 3,000 words but won't reject a piece if it's slightly longer. We're open to flash essays too.
Include a brief cover letter with a publishable bio, word count, and your email/contact information on the first page of the manuscript.  
Please familiarize yourself with our publications. Consider buying our literary journal Hypertext Review. Your purchase will not only give you an idea of what kinds of stories we publish but it truly helps us keep our doors open. 

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.